What our Bio Energy Graduates Say About Us
The Bio Energy Diploma course was above and beyond my expectations. As a qualified nurse I have undertaken many courses over the years, this by far is the most enlightening and enjoyable course I have ever done. It has given me a greater insight into sickness and health and enabled me to look at illness from more than just a conventional medicine point of view. This course has made me realise the importance of applying a holistic approach to maintaining our overall health and wellbeing. I would love to see treatments like Bio Energy incorporated into our everyday health care system in the future. I would most definitely recommend this course. Not only can you start on a new career pathway but it can also help you to live a healthier and happier life, physically, mentally and emotionally.

Siobhan Burke
This course will blow your mind! You'll learn far more than you can possibly imagine - chakras, meridians, auric fields. You will be astounded. I've completed another energy course previously, but the content and depth of it was nothing compared to what I've learned with the Bio Energy Academy. I wish I'd known about this course sooner. This course has been so much more than I ever expected! The depth of it is phenomenal. I think I'll be learning for the rest of my life. It's very good quality, with so much content and Helen is a fantastic teacher - always there for her students, always on hand to explain things. She's very approachable and friendly. I enjoyed all of it! The learning, the practical work, the reading, the videos. And I had the very best team-mates! My fellow students were all supportive of one another, they are like family! I would absolutely recommend this course to others.

Jayne Sowerby
Having it online made it so much easier, I loved the interaction of the group, the healing pieces and the insights I learned along the journey. Everything about this course was well thought out and presented to the highest possible level. All exercises made the student think and allowed time to integrate the content and answers for self. I can’t fault any of it. Amazing! I would absolutely recommend.

The course is an absolute gem the way it has been built and the language that is used. This course has overpassed my expectations. So much was covered in it. Even themes that aren't hugely spoken in other courses, such as past lives, karma, life contracts etc. There's so much information and knowledge that it makes the learning process a lot easier. The language used on the material is very easy to understand even if English isn't your mother tongue. The teachers (Helen and Aga) and their kindness have made this course a lot more comfortable and enjoyable. They've been so easy to approach and very helpful at all times. I would absolutely recommend this course. This course is life-changing.

Blerina Beganji
I thoroughly enjoyed every aspect of the course. The comprehensive content, engaging teaching styles, and practical exercises all contributed to a highly enjoyable and enriching learning experience. The course is very well-structured, with effective teaching styles, and practical exercises that create a positive and enjoyable learning experience. The quality of the material was impressive, easy to understand and practical, making the whole learning experience unique and enjoyable. The practical exercises were particularly valuable, reinforcing theoretical concepts effectively. I would highly recommend this course to others, as it's a life-changing experience.

Nicoleta Talos
Helen has a way with teaching that makes it very easy to absorb the content. I enjoyed the course from the first moment I logged on for Module 1 and met the rest of the group, right up to the last day. The whole experience of the teachings, the discussions and the in-person meet up was an amazing experience. This course went way beyond my expectations. I set out to become a qualified Bio Energy Therapist and what I didn't expect was the effect it would have on me as a person. I learned to recognise the blocks in my own life and what was holding me back from realising my hidden hopes. I learned how to recognise and release these blocks and can now see what I am capable of achieving. I can now teach my clients the same techniques. None of this would be possible without the genuine care and nurturing Helen O'Flinn shows to each of her students and for this, I'm forever grateful.

Carmel Goodwin
I cannot thank Helen enough for giving me the opportunity to do this course. I did not think I would be able to do it financially or have the time but Helen did everything in her power to assist me throughout to make sure I could do it, so for this I'm am truly grateful. I never thought in my wildest dreams that I would be a qualified Bio-Energy Therapist or be starting my own business, this is what this course does, it opens doors you didn't even know were there. I have a joy for life I never had before and I have so much more confidence in myself and my abilities. What an absolute dream this is, to do something you completely love, you get to help people and make that your business. The guidance and support from Helen has been fantastic, she made herself available to us at any time to ask questions and her response has been so fast and informative. I honestly don't know how she could fit so much information into a message and type so fast. This course has completely over exceeded my expectations. The knowledge I have gained has been mind blowing. I will miss being in class with everyone and waiting with anticipation to find out what I will learn the next month, but it’s time to spread my wings and share all I have learned with others. Helen and Aga you are inspirations to us all we really need more people like you in the world so thank you for all you do. Looking forward to being part of the Bio-Energy family now and still have support from Helen and Aga throughout my future journey.

Caitriona Bolger
Learning the Bio Energy protocols from day 1 was a great practical start to the course. Everything was very well explained. There is a huge amount of content and it’s all of excellent quality. I really enjoyed learning so many new skills, learning how to benefit myself and others, meeting likeminded people and all the self-care items. I felt there was a good balance of everything on this course and everything was useful for either as a therapist or for self-care. I would highly recommend the course, it was uplifting, and opens up a whole new world of healing and awareness. The tools and skills can be learned by anyone if they have the interest.

Lorraine Cunningham
The interaction with tutors and class participants on Zoom worked very well and made the connection with the class more personal. I feel so lucky that I had the opportunity to attend this course and would be very doubtful any other course would put so much time, dedication and commitment to their students. I loved every minute of it. The attention to detail was amazing. I feel so blessed to have gone through this course with Helen, Aga and the other amazing students. I would highly recommend this course to everyone. They have given me a fantastic opportunity to share this energy healing with others and have guided me on an amazing path for my future.

Ann Marie
This course was very easy to understand and follow and there was always great support available. I thoroughly enjoyed the whole course, but loved giving and receiving the practical sessions, so I would have done that all day!!! I felt that everything in the course was very well covered. We had such a lovely group, the only thing I missed was not being in person for doing the checklist and practical sessions with each other. But on the other hand, not having to go to Dublin every month made doing the course so much easier. For anyone considering a course in Bio Energy, I would highly recommend the Bio Energy Academy of Dublin, everything is made so easy and the support is amazing.

Helen is a very skilled teacher. She caters for all needs and answers all questions asked. Helen is very supportive to ensure you understand. She never criticises, she has a beautiful way of helping you feel at ease so it is easy to learn. She understands that sometimes life gets in the way and may distract you from the learning. She offers extra support and/or tutorials if needed. So much learning. So much material. You can do as much or as little as you want. The content is always there for you to go back on. The experience of the teacher comes across all the time and she wants you to know and live the material you learn. What did I enjoy most about the course? Learning all about Bio Energy and self-care techniques. The group. The weekends together. The emphasis on our own self-care. Receiving Bio Energy sessions every weekend and the swaps that were available to us. The support of everyone. No question was stupid. Feeling part of something bigger than ourselves. I would 100 per cent recommend this course as it has changed my life in so many ways. Please note I also had Bio Energy sessions with Helen throughout the course and afterwards. The combination of both and taking responsibility for my own life and my own self-care has made all the difference. The course is expensive but so worth it.

Sharon Spain
Helen was an excellent teacher, providing examples in class and never tiring of answering our questions! Helen is a very grounded and balanced person and she brought this feeling of being brought down to earth while delivering on a subject which people may think is not tangible. I am from an academic background but this course has been by far the most fulfilling and challenging at the same time. You learn by trusting your inner knowing and by doing. I wanted to learn more about Bio Energy but I didn’t expect to go on my own personal journey of transformation. The Bio Energy Diploma has truly been a gift that came along at just the right time for me. I don’t think I found the course but rather, it found me. Helen’s passion and enthusiasm for Bio Energy is infectious. Myself and my fellow students were not in competition with one another but helping each other. I enjoyed starting the practical work early on, it really helped to improve my confidence. There were areas that stood out for me which were the Six Healing Sounds, EFT, Gratitude practice and the Chi Gong. I liked the way there was variety introduced with Chi Gong delivered by different presenters. It was a real benefit to complete the course online and be trained to treat people remotely.

Della Hunter
The course content was very easily followed and in a nice order. Aftercare was also given via group sessions which was exemplary. I really enjoyed going through check lists on case studies. Dating energy blocks from 20 years plus and getting confirmation from clients. I would recommend this course whether to use for self-care or to practice, it's a no brainer. Personally, it's been a game changer for pain management, as well as taking a more relaxed approach to living. Now when faced with a problem I'm finding that I take a few seconds and come with a response rather than a reaction. The course was delivered perfectly and in a structured fashion. No question went unanswered. Would love to see Bio Energy, EFT and Psychotherapy be taught in some shape or form in 2nd level education.

Tom Herlihy
This course was so easy to follow. The teaching styles were 100% great and the support that followed was 100%. To be very honest, I loved every aspect of this course, the interaction and support was amazing. The course was 8 months and felt like I would love to do another 8 months. It's something we will always be learning. I really can’t recommend this course enough. It’s really amazing and life changing for the better.

Nollaig Murphy
The content was very well delivered and easy to understand. The content quality was excellent, lot of extra material that was hugely beneficial and can be referred to when needed. Very interesting and great to have. Not alone was there course material but some wonderful self-help and mindfulness material which is fantastic. I love the contact with the whole group. I love the connection we all have. I regularly recommend this course to others. The course is fantastic.

There was a lot of content which was just a matter of spending time reading and practicing it. Having the replay videos and actually doing the practicals together was also so helpful. I enjoyed the classes, learning and listening to Helen. I enjoyed it even more knowing there was such wonderful support from Helen and Aga. I found it extremely helpful having the previous graduates to support and guide me or to just do swap sessions , I learnt a lot from them also. I would absolutely recommend this course to others.

Helen is so down to earth and natural, everything makes sense when she explains it. This course was very informative, going above and beyond what I expected! The chakra system was in such great depth, it really gave feeling and meaning to each module. I enjoyed everything in this course! It has become a way of life more than a course, everything was relevant and enjoyable!
This training has been a journey that has taken me through some difficult times in my private life, and it has given me the strength and courage to move forward, in ways I never imagined possible. This is more than a course, it is an awakening of all that is possible in life. This training has kept me grounded and focused during the pandemic, to the extent that I can see clearly, how beautiful life is and how to treasure each day.

Tasha Bell
The Bio Energy Diploma course is practical and easy to apply. It was fascinating information and I love the dowsing. It is exceptionally well presented, with excellent support.

Joanne Singleton
The Diploma course material was excellent, the practical session each afternoon and videos of protocols on the online platform made it practical and easy to apply. The tutors were excellent and made it all easy to understand. They were very approachable to ask questions if unsure of anything. A real effort made to make material accessible for all learning styles was made. There’s a great balance of theory versus practical exercises so plenty of exposure to both. I loved the huge variety of information on topics to enhance and maintain your own energy in addition to Bio Energy.

This is a very unique and well thought out course, very easy to engage with and follow the pace. Bio Energy is a fascinating subject and an excellent healing therapy. I am thrilled I have completed the course as I have little to no experience of alternative healing modalities. Also I’m not good with computers, it was straight forward, to the point and the teachers explained things in an easy to understand way. It was also excellent value for money. I enjoyed the whole course from start to finish. The zoom format made it a good point for me as otherwise I would not have been able to complete it. The teachers and participants were lovely people, bringing different outlooks and experience to the subject. The practice sessions were invaluable giving everyone the chance to practice and fine tune our skills as therapists. Also the homework notes and zoom replays helped with practicing at home. Many thanks to Helen, Aga and their colleagues for a wonderful engaging course. I enjoyed it from start to finish. It has not only trained me as a Bio Energy therapist but has given me valuable skills for life. The journey of self-healing through the chakras, meridians and auric fields has to be experienced to be believed. I’m only sorry that the course wasn’t longer.

I loved having the modules available to me 24/7 - if there was something that I was unsure of, I could revert back. To have the amazing support at all times throughout the month from our course tutors, if I had any questions, they were on hand to answer me.
Everything taught to me besides just the Bio Energy was necessary - leaving the course with an invaluable self-care tool kit for life.
I would wholeheartedly recommend this course to others and I have already spoken to people who have a keen interest in energy healing.
This course is the best investment you can make in yourself is studying at the Bio Energy Academy - it’s truly life changing. Helen and Aga have been exceptional tutors throughout this 8-month journey.

This course is full of info, simple and deep, presented in a gradual way that makes it easier to understand with lots of support all the time. I really enjoyed doing the case studies and knowing my ability to help someone heal. And I really enjoyed the nice weekends we spent all together online, sharing experiences and learning. I would highly recommend this course for whoever is interested in Energy.

Rawan Zeidan
Every class on this course had such a lovely flow to it and my attention never left whatever topic we were covering. The classes were so interactive and you were made feel so at ease and in a very safe environment to speak up and be yourself. Which is an amazing thing Helen and Aga have achieved to put everyone so at ease and comfortable in class. It has been an absolute pleasure to have been taught by Helen I have learned so much that I never thought would be possible. I was blown away with the course content especially all the extra tools I gained for my own self-care and to pass on to others. The Qi Gong with Sean and Declan was so amazing and fantastic to have been given the opportunity to be taught it in this course. The EFT has been a game changer I can't believe I had never heard of it before so thanks Helen for sharing this with us and all the meditations.
What can I say only this has been the best decision of my life doing this course. Not only has it transformed my life, but my families lives aswell.

I just graduated from the Academy and I can truly say that this course was an amazing experience for me, it took me into this transformational healing journey. Giving me the tools and knowledge to heal at a very deep level. A big thank you to the wonderful students who were in my group and our amazing tutor Helen and her assistant Aga for this beautiful experience. I highly recommend this Academy

Diana Pasquali
The Bio Energy Academy of Dublin is such a great place to study bio energy. Helen who runs and facilitates the course is very knowledgeable and an amazing teacher. I couldn’t recommend the academy enough.

Courtney Hoare
I really loved and enjoyed doing bio energy healing course! Was the best decision I made! I met amazing people and thanks very much to Helen and Gemma!

Vita Bladina
This diploma course is run by dedicated professional teachers who share their skills, knowledge and wisdom. The course gives the students the tools to become proficient bio energy therapists. I highly recommend this course.

Patricia O’Keeffe
The course is no ordinary bio energy course, it is adapted to give you a good knowledge on the workings of the body and mind, and also in how to be intuitive in the gift we have been given to heal. The wide variety of tools we are thought are both inspiring and enlightening. The EFT to tap into positivity matched with the gratitude note book indeed allow us only one direction. Up up and away I feel since I started the course my life’s journey has become ignited again and I am learning how to be awakened to the inner gifts and use them to heal. Thank you Gemma for being such a good teacher and kind person. Kind regards,

I have enjoyed every minute of the course to date. In doing the course I feel I am meeting people from different areas and all sharing the same interest. Bio energy has increased my energy levels, confidence, decision making and well being. I feel more connected to the universe and aware of the power of it. I look forward to attending the course each month. I enjoy practising the therapy and I am amazed of the positive results of the therapy. Thanks Gemma, have a very Happy Christmas and New Year

I have read books over the years where people recount that a crisis in their lives ended up bringing them on their true path. A work colleague recommended I go to Gemma for a treatment in Summer 2016. From the outset Gemma gave me full confidence that she could help me. As a result of the treatments I received I found I had more energy and more importantly I was interested in living life to the full. 12 months later I was ready to embark on the training programme. Wow, it has been just amazing. I could not recommend the course highly enough. I especially liked the hands on training where we used the protocols we covered each weekend in a practical sense. It was a privilege to get to know my fellow trainees and I am so grateful to my guinea pigs who volunteered for my case studies. The guest facilitators were really excellent and I learned a huge amount from them and also about myself. Above all Gemma gave her heart and soul to the course, she thought of everything and the venue was amazing

I came across an advertisement for a Bio Energy course in the Northside people. It caught my eye because I was looking for something to improve my life and help others. This course covers all aspects of what you need to know to become a Bio Energy Therapist. The course covers Bio Energy, Qi Gong, Nutrition, Health and Life Coaching. This is the only course that contains all these valuable tools in one. The course is run by a genuine, professional, lady Gemma Hipson. She has put her many years of knowledge and experience into a well structured, fun course. As well as Gemma, there is a team of professional experts that helps deliver the course content such as a Tai Chai Master, Nutritionist and Life Coach. I am delighted that I have completed the course and I believe that Bio Energy is an option to better health and happiness. Fiona I have been studying Bio energy with Gemma since last October. It has been a very informative course delivered very professionally by Gemma alongside a number of guest speakers who all shared generously of their expertise. The benefits of Qi Gong, EFT, life coaching and talks on nutrition not to mention the bio energy we received during our weekends has made a huge impact on my life. I am so glad I opted for this course and would highly recommend it to others.

Ann Marie
I would highly recommend this Bioenergy course as I have thoroughly enjoyed all aspects of the course. The course emphasises both professional and personal development. The lecturers are highly knowledgeable and disseminate their information and practical experience in an easily understood format. The student’s wellbeing is always a priority for the course leader. The Bioenergy Therapy works extremely well and this is confirmed repeatedly by clients. The course really does enable the student to integrate body, mind, spirit and soul.

I am studying the Bio- Energy Diploma course with Gemma. This is an amazing life-changing course based each month in a stunning and peaceful location in Howth. Gemma and her team of experts provide a comprehensive holistic approach to Bio-Energy therapy. The Bio-Energy training is enhanced with additional skills in nutrition, EFT, life coaching and Qi Gong. Gemma provides care and attention to each student and professionally guides us to becoming a fully qualified Bio-Energy therapists. I would highly recommend the course to anyone wishing to learn life skills to improve your well being and to help others.

The bio energy course which I have just completed is truly amazing. It is a very well structured and extremely well presented course. Bio energy is an very powerful method of balancing energy in the body. The course is very practical and it also covers the areas of nutrition, self help and self awareness. This is a course that I would highly recommend since I have benefited from it on a personal level.

Tom D
I am currently doing the Bio-Energy Diploma Course. Firstly, the location is absolutely beautiful – each weekend of the course is a retreat away from the modern world. The content of the course with a combination of Bio-Energy, Roots and Branches, EFT, nutrition is life transforming. The tuition given by Gemma and her assistants is excellent and the everyone receives the time and attention necessary. There is a lovely welcoming warm feeling in each class. I would definitely recommend this Bio-Energy Diploma Course. It’s like a whole new beautiful world opens up. It will change your life!

I am studying Bio Energy Therapy at the Academy. I can honestly say I have thoroughly enjoyed every minute. Gemma runs the course with such ease and professionalism in the most beautiful grounds of Stella Maris Retreat Centre. The course has provided me with the skills and knowledge to become a Bio Energy Therapist and it also includes a myriad of studies which compliment the expert training including EFT, Life Coaching Techniques, Nutrition, Qi Gong and more. I am extremely grateful to Gemma, Noirin Fogarty and the other course facilitators for helping me to follow my true life path. I highly recommend this course.

The location for the course is stunning and inspiring. Also, I really enjoy the additional parts of the course, such as the Roots and Branches exercises, sound healing techniques, and many more. There is a lot of great content overall.

I am presently attending the Bio Energy diploma course (tutors Gemma and Rachael), I cannot recommend this particular course highly enough. Small class, a lot of one to one attention, location at Stella Maris is superb, and of course the content of the course has enlightened me and helped me greatly to accept and appreciate my life and enhance it and that of my family. I can honestly say I am a happier person with a completely different outlook on life. Things seem to be working out for me and I put this down to my education in Bio Energy. I did not know what bio energy was until 3 years ago when a friend recommended it for a member of my family! Kind regards,

Dear Gemma, I have taken some time to respond to your email asking for feedback on the course particularly as I wanted to have the opportunity to use the tools you have shared with us over the holiday period. When the whirlwind is about to subsume me, I find that just by looking at my serene lavender Bio-Energy folder, always prominently displayed on my bookshelf grounds me immediately. I am full of admiration for how you have drawn on and introduced to us the different modalities pertaining to Bio-Energy. It fills me with eagerness and frustration because I want to learn and be everything right now! Thank you so much for a meaningful and well balanced course

The course material was excellent, informative, I learned so many new skills for self-care. The content of the course far exceeded what I was expecting. I not only learned the skills necessary to become a competent Bio Energy Therapist, I also learned skills around healing sounds, EFT, Kinesiology, forgiveness and gratitude that I will take forward into my personal life. Learning the Meridian pathways and how to clear them. The importance of setting my protection and energy levels before starting a healing session and re-boosting energy. The most important thing that I got from this course in comparison to all the other healing modalities is the ability to practice as a therapist without picking up client illnesses. The videos that you get to support your practice are excellent to have as refreshers. Everything was included in this course that is needed to progress competently as a Bio Energy Therapist. You will have the tools that will allow you to investigate every angle of the root causes and resolution of your client’s Illness. I personally got more than I could have asked for out of this course. My father had tumor’s in his bladder that completely disappeared after 6 sessions – confirmed in the hospital 14.09.2020. Helen is an excellent teacher, very thorough, very understanding with a lot of empathy for her students. I would highly recommend this course as the support is fantastic. She genuinely cares for all her students.

Ann Staunton
This course is so much more than a Bio Energy course. It not only teaches the student about Bio Energy and Bio Energy Protocols, it provides the student with tools for them to grow and develop and reach their full potential both on a personal level and in their business going forward. Interaction between all students was encouraged and this facilitates a supportive network for students embarking on their Bio Energy Business journey. Due to COVID the course was carried out online and I believe this in no way affected my learning and enjoyment of the course and my interaction with my fellow students. Helen is a skilled course facilitator, is encouraging to her students and full of knowledge. She was always available to the students to talk through any questions or problems. Thank you Helen.

Martina Gill
Before starting my journey in Bio Energy, I knew nothing about it. Now that I’m a qualified Bio Energy Therapist, I am amazed to know and understand the healing powers that Bio Energy can offer. It is a powerful treatment for physical, mental and emotions within the body. It benefits me personally in my life, and also helps people that I treat. The content of the course was excellent and very easy to follow. Videos of each month’s protocols were excellent and very beneficial to look back on during the month, while practicing. I found the course content highly effective, and even while I was doing the Diploma Course, I got excellent results from my case studies. I looked forward to doing the course every month as I knew by the end of each weekend, I would learn so much more, be more relaxed and more energized.
Helen, the course tutor, was almost like a mother to us. She wanted us to get the most out of the course and also made the learning fun. Helen was always there for us throughout the months, and available to answer any of my questions quickly, through phone call or message. Helen is an amazing person and teacher. I am a neuromuscular therapist for the past 9 years. I have attended a lot of courses, but the Bio Energy Academy Diploma Course is by far the best course I ever did, and got the most support from. If you are considering doing an alternative course for yourself or to start a new career, I would look no further than the Bio Energy Academy of Dublin, to train as a Bio Energy Therapist. I recommend this college and course 110%. Thank you for getting me on to this amazing journey.

Ger Dempsey
The course material is practical and easy to apply. The teaching style is practical and theory is easy to understand. The handout documents are very informative and videos and recordings are very helpful. A most enjoyable part of the course was meeting such lovely people. I learned a lot about self-care as well as working with clients. I liked the balance of theory and practical distance healing on Zoom. I felt it worked well. I would highly recommend this course for clients and therapists health and wellbeing. It is so enjoyable on all levels and run by a very special team.

Karen Browne